Friday, August 30, 2013

Limerick Friday LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIV: Hannah Montana Goes Hood Rat, Plus FF Takes Center Stage

This passes for music now
I know I sound old, and how
A twerking Miley Cyrus
Just watching it, catch a virus
Weep for all parents, wow

The Carolina Way does evolve
Called cheating with resolve
Took many cheap shots
Got pounded by the Gamecocks
Problems Red Bull can’t solve

Same song, plus the same verse
Harvey needs a doc and nurse
An ace pitcher thrown in doubt
I’m not one to cuss and pout
Just the latest example of a Mets curse

My fantasy football draft’s tonight
So naturally I quiver in fright
Will there be a QB run?
Will someone take Warrick Dunn?
The luck has to change, right?

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