Friday, February 17, 2012

Limerick Friday LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIV: “The Walking Dead” Makes A Long-Awaited Return, Plus State Not Good Enough To Overcome Eight-To-Five Odds

Walking Dead back with alarm
Shane doing less good than harm
Went out drinking in a bar
As zombies wander near and far
It’s high time to flee the farm

Millions and millions he was making
But of integrity he was faking
Tar Holes will rue the day
Bitch Davis came their way
He’s the gift that keeps on giving (and taking)

A drug bust over at TCU
Wonder if Gary Patterson knew
Rumors that 82 failed a drug test
Quite a party out West
Horned Frogs gotta get stoned, too

A voice made of pure honey
Made piles and piles of money
But picked a douche on her wedding day
Drank and drugged it all away
Wasted talent and a sad demise, unfunny

A 20-point lead up in smoke
A patented Wolfpack choke
The refs pitched in for Duke
In a way that made Pack fans puke
One reason the ACC’s sort of a joke

Last time

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